Jakob K Rinderknecht
Associate Professor Department of Religious Studies Office Location: AD 105 Phone: (210) 829-3871 Email: rinderkn@uiwtx.eduJakob Karl Rinderknecht (PhD, Marquette University) is associate professor and director of the Honors Program at the University of the Incarnate Word. His research attends to ecumenism, ecclesiology, and the role of human embodiment in the production and interpretation of theological meanings. His book Mapping the Differentiated Consensus of the Joint Declaration won the 2020 Harding Meyer Prize for Ecumenism.
- Ph.D. Marquette University
- M.A. Saint John's University (MN)
- B.A. Valparaiso University
Karl Rahner. An Ecumenical Priesthood: The Spirit of God and the Structure of the Church. Translation and Critical Introduction by Jakob Karl Rinderknecht. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2022.
Erin S. Kidd and Jakob K. Rinderknecht, eds. Putting God on the Map: Theology and Conceptual Mapping.
New York: Fortress Academic / Lexington Books, 2018.
Mapping the Differentiated Consensus of the Joint Declaration. Pathways for Ecumenical and Interfaith
Dialogue, Gerard Mannion and Mark D. Chapman, editors. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2016.
Articles / Chapters
“Reconceiving the Quest for Unity: Ecumenism Today,” Ecumenical Trends 52 no. 3 (May/June 2023), 1–7.
“Re-discerning the Body: Ecumenism in an Apocalyptic Age,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 57 no. 3 (Summer 2022), 363–82.
"Female Deacons and the Unity of the Sacrament of Order: Responding to the German Skeptics." Theological Studies 82, no 2 (June, 2021): In Press.
“Receiving the Joint Declaration: A Test-Case in Bilateral and Multilateral Engagement,” Ecumenical Trends, 49 no. 3 (May/June 2020), 11–15; 26.
“Another World is Present: Karl Rahner’s Theology of the Church after Failure,” Philosophy and Theology 31 1&2 (2019) 175–197.
“The Church: A Body Under Law and Gospel.” In Church as Fullness in All Things: Recasting Lutheran Ecclesiology in an Ecumenical Context, Jonathan Mumme, Richard Serina, and Mark Burkholz eds. Lexington Books, 2019.
“CHURCH, Categories, and Speciation,” Open Theology, 4 no. 1 (2018): 46–59.
“Order, Out of Order: Rahner’s Tectonic Proposal for an Ecumenical Difficulty.” Horizons, 42 no. 2 (Dec,
2015): 341–67
- Catholic Theological Society of America
- College Theology Society
- North American Academy of Ecumenists
- American Academy of Religion
- Karl Rahner Society
- Burgon Society
- Harding Meyer Prize for Ecumenism, 2020
- Louisville Institute Postdoctoral Fellow, 2016-2018
- Arthur J. Schmitt Leadership Fellow, 2015
- UIW Graduate Council, Chair
- North American Academy of Ecumenists, Vice President
- Collegeville Institute, Trustee
- Ecumenical Trends, Book Review Editor
Ecclesiology, Ecumenism, Theological Anthropology, Fundamental Theology, Sacraments.
- FYES 1210 “First Year Experience Seminar”
- HONP 1110H "Introduction to Honors"
- RELS 1330 “The Word in the World”
- RELS 3375 "Catholicism Today"
- RELS 3381/H "Christianity and Global Justice"
- RELS 4370 "Senior Seminar"