Sr. Martha Ann Kirk

Sister Martha Ann Kirk, CCVI, ThD  Professor of Religious Studies

A native of Cuero, Texas Miriam Kirk had a long association with the Incarnate Word Sisters as a student and family members as alumnae including her mother, Ada. In time this vivacious young woman with long blonde hair who was named the Turkey Queen of Cuero decided to enter the convent here.

Giving up her trademark long blonde hair for the traditional habit was hard, but she received the name Sister Martha Ann which suited her and served her well. The Martha of the gospels was a leader and concerned, and not afraid to speak up. At the College she majored in drama, earned Masters in Art in New Mexico and a second advanced degree in religious studies at Fordham University. Eventually she was able to parlay all her creativity into a doctorate from UC Berkley.

Early on she was a gifted teacher, dancer, prolific artist and writer, and on the cutting edge of creativity in the liturgical arts for which she has received numerous honors. She was such an effective leader that one of the older sisters nicknamed her “little bo peep.”

In addition to teaching she spends many weekends each year as a guest lecturer or workshop leader. During her free time she spends countless days traveling the world promoting gospel values and researching data for new publications. Her travels have taken her as far away as India, Europe, Peru, Mexico, Turkey and the Mideast. Danger does not worry her. She is a Martha.

This is our heritage. Making a difference.

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