Peace Day 2018 Schedule
2018 Season of Peace, Justice and Care of Creation at UIW
Invest far greater human and financial resources in promoting a spirituality and practice of active nonviolence.

UIW Community Garden where students, faculty, and friends contribute to a circular economy.
By the Ecologic Institute.
Oct. 2, 9 am – 3 pm, University of the Incarnate Word Student Engagement Center 2030-32.
A Sustainability Workshop sponsored by the European Union, POCACITO, Post Carbon Cities of Tomorrow with European experts in conversation with San Antonians.
“The Liminal Space of Care and Human Becoming”
By Dr. Mark Clark, Associate Professor of Medical Humanities, UIW School of Osteopathic Medicine.
October 3, 7 pm, UIW International Conference Center Auditorium, 847 E. Hildebrand Ave. San Antonio, TX 78209.
General compassionate care and medical care—and how these prove to be dialectical, dialogical processes in which we rather lose ourselves and find new identities, together, in the caring engagement. Systems (institutional, political) and technology can help in this process, but they can blind us to the foundational human mythos—so we have to remind ourselves of the human mythos and dedicate ourselves to nurturing it together, through relationship.
“Celebration of Creation and Blessing of the Animals on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.”
Oct. 4, 6 pm Headwaters at Incarnate Word, 4503 Broadway, Alamo Heights, Texas 78209.
Bring your animals, leashed or crated, pictured or stuffed to the entrance to Headwaters, the 53-acre nature sanctuary. Prayer and reflections led by the “Arts for Christian Worship” Class and Sr. Martha Ann Kirk.
October 4, 6:00 pm, McCombs Center Rosenberg Sky Room.
Join us at our flagship fundraiser for women and girl empowerment programs!
For questions, please contact the WGC office at (210) 828-2224, or
The almost-complete mural memorial to Claudia Gómez González , a twenty-year-old Guatemalan woman who was seeking work and safety in the US, but was shot near Rio Bravo, Texas. On the right is Rhys Munro, a lead artist with Ana Hernandez. Next to her is Hope Frye who has been leading “Project Lifeline” to help immigrant children.
Murals of Southwest San Antonio Inviting Justice and Peace.
Sunday, Oct. 7, 5 – 7:30 p.m. or Monday, Oct. 8, 5:30 – 8 p.m. or Thursday, Oct. 11, 5:30 – 8 p.m.
Join a mural tour and then a conversation over a potluck supper. After Steve Spriester of KSAT News accompanied Sr. Martha Ann Kirk, on this mural tour, he shared some images.The murals have been created through the leadership of San Anto Cultural Arts Center
RSVP to or phone 210-883-5934 and get the starting address and a mural guide.
“Christian Peacemaker Team, Standing in Harm's Way to Lessen Violence,”
Oct. 15, 12 noon-1 pm, Mabee Library Special Collections.
Sr. Lisa Pries, PBVM, who has been serving in Hebron on the Christian Peacemaker Team shares her experiences “Walking with the People of Palestine.”
UIW Sustainability Scholars and Ambassadors and Teofilo Reyes of the Ettling Center for Civic Leadership and Sustainability
“Who is My Neighbor in a Climate-Threatened World? Environmental Justice and Uniting for Action”
Oct. 10, 6:30 – 8 pm, Student Engagement Center 2030-32
Learn from international resources and campus leaders the challenges and also the opportunities to unite and make a difference for sustainability.
Sustainability Service, a Part of the San Antonio Tricentennial.
October 13, 2018, 9 am. to 12 noon
An Environmental project in the community gardens in the fall planting season touching the earth and learning of its potential gifts. Open to 25 people.
Taizé Prayer Service.
October 23, 6:30 pm, St. Joseph's Chapel at The Village at Incarnate Word.
A service of contemplative worship in the tradition of Taizé, a monastery founded in France to promote reconciliation and peace. Learn of the history, community, and current events of Taizé
Contact: Lena Gokelman at or (210) 832-3207.
The Line in the Sand: Stories from the US/Mexico Border about Immigration.
Oct. 24, 7 pm., Concert Hall, Music Center, University of the Incarnate Word
A Play directed by award-winning UIW Alum José Rubén De León. Catholic Relief Services sent a team of writers and actors to the border who gathered stories from people with diverse perspectives on urgent and volatile issues of immigration. UIW professors will lead a discussion with actors and audience. Information:
Colors of Music: Music Along the Silk Road
October 26, 6:30 pm, Raindrop Turkish House
Vance Jackson Rd. Ste. 203, San Antonio, TX 78230 (Off Vance Jackson, behind the Car Wash)
Music is a language that helps unite people across cultures, ages, religions, and other differences. Come enjoy, make friends, and enjoy Turkish treats.
Stories and Creations for Peace: Sadako and a Thousand Paper Cranes
Oct. 29, 3 to 4:15 pm SEC Room 2050-52
Jeanette M. Pierce, UIW English Instructor and a member of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, an honor society for women educators, brings a thousand paper cranes created by college nursing students in Japan as a symbol of peace and gift to UIW. She will share literature relating to peace and the story of Sadako, a Japanese girl who was in Hiroshima when the US dropped an atom bomb. Sr. Martha Ann Kirk will speak of creating art that can contribute to justice and peace. She will invite people to be part of the paper crane creation of Project Lifeline shining a light on immigrant children who are being kept in detention.
Human Becomings: Adult Learners' Journeys in Peace, Justice, and Care
Dr. Danielle J. Alsandor, Inci Yilzamali-Trout, and DSE graduate students.
Thursday, October 25, 2018 @ 6:00pm-7:15pm, Gorman 116.
Each graduate student enrolled in EDUC 6372 & 7372 The College Environment will be interviewing one adult learner to better understand the learner's holistic development and how that development influences a campus' climate and culture. Through sharing about their life journeys thus far, the adult learners will detail what roles peace, justice, and care have played in their lives. Specifically, how have they changed, evolved, grown, or developed? How does their experiences influence their views of peace, justice, and care? For 2018, Pope Francis is encouraging young people to be “aware of the present moment – not to be frightened by it or by their own self-doubts, but to take courage and be open to accepting the Lord's invitation to engage and to lead in church and in society” (USCCB, 2018, ¶8). This speaks to the importance of mindfulness, reflective practice, and service. In our presentation, we will describe the adult learners' lived experiences and their processes of discernment and development as they continue to “become” who they are meant to be and contribute to peace, justice, and care. For information
Peace Day at UIW
October 31, 2018, University of the Incarnate Word, 4301 Broadway, San Antonio, TX 78209
Remembering a murdered faculty member, the University of the Incarnate Word annually focuses on issues of justice, peace, and care of creation near the anniversary of his death.
Exhibits throughout the day. Presentations in the UIW Student Engagement Center 2050-52.
- “The Power of Hope—Refugee Art/Reflections”
Exhibit features the art/reflections created by refugee mothers and children seeking asylum while they were incarcerated inside an immigrant-family detention facility in Texas. You will experience the hearts of the families expressed through their art. Rev. Dr. Helen Boursier, Ph.D. of New Braunfels facilitated the art ministry. She created the exhibit to honor the immigrant mothers and children she had the privilege to work with, and to help raise public consciousness about the current humanitarian crisis of refugee families seeking asylum. Learn more - 9:00 – 10:15 am, SEC 2050 -52, “Making a Killing Off Killing”
This presentation is based on the emerging research of nonviolence being twice as effective as violence Then why do we focus on weapons and violence as a way of solving problems? Is this because weapons fuel our economies? Pope Francis has said, “It’s an absurd contradiction to speak of peace, to negotiate peace, and at the same time promote or permit the arms trade.” Sister Martha Ann Kirk and others will consider the economies of producing large and small weapons and seeking economies that are more life-giving. They will share information from Weapon Free Funds, a movement and a website for “divesting from weapons of war and investing in life-affirming solutions”
Some of the UIW students and the truck of supplies to help immigrant children that Project Lifeline took to the Ursula Detention Center in McAllen, TX where hundreds of children who have fled violence in their countries are being detained. The students are spreading #wedeclarewecare
- 10:30 -11:45 am, SEC 2050-52, Learn of and become a part of “Project Lifeline”
An effort to shed light on and help over 100,000 immigrant children who are being held in U.S. Detention Centers. Hear from Hope Frye, the immigration attorney who started the project, and UIW students who were part of a caravan of faith leaders and physicians to largest detention center in the US. National news in English
In Spanish: - 12 noon - 1:15 pm, SEC 2050-52, “FOOD: Healthy for You, for Developing Economies, and for the Planet”
Dr. Beth Senne-Duff and the Student Dietetic Association, Yesenia Caloca of the Ettling Center for Civic Leadership and Sustainability. Learn of Perfect Earth Foods, a Social Enterprise food business that supports the hill tribe farming communities in Northern Thailand and sources all of its organic rice and organic chia from them. Free lunch provided. If you are bringing a whole class, please RSVP - 1:30 – 2:45 pm, SEC 2050-52, "Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America"
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Students Demand Action for Gun Sense in America invite people to work towards gun safety that could help save your life and the lives of your family. Come and learn more about the “public health crisis: seven American children or teens are shot and killed every day” and consider how to build political will.
Leaders in Students Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and UIW graduate Letty Gallo at the “Day of Action,” September 8, 2018, UIW Library.
- 3:00 – 4:15 pm, SEC 2050-52, "Peace Day Reflections on the Refugee Crisis"
Dr. Lopita Nath, Professor and Chair of the Department of History, Coordinator of Asian Studies at UIW, shares "Challenges of Refugee Resettlement in the United States;” Dr. Marc Piazolo, Visiting Professor in Economics, Professor in Monetary and International Economics at University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, Germany sharing “How do we successfully integrate refugees into the labor market? The case of Germany”; and Dr. Nürşen A. Zanca, Rotary Peace Fellow, IEP Peace Ambassador, and Professor and Chair of Economics Department at UIW, sharing "A Study into Economic Value of Urban Refugees in the US: from Economic Burden to Economic Asset" - 5:00 – 7:00 pm, SEC 2050-52 DIA DE MUERTOS DINNER FUNDRAISER BENEFITTING THE CENTER FOR MIGRANT RIGHTS.
The Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word cordially invite you to participate in a Cien Cenas (100 dinners) fundraiser to benefit the work of the Center for Migrant Rights (Centro de los Derechos del Migrante). The dinner will include information about the work of CDM, stories of migrants they work with, delicious food, and an opportunity to make a donation to support their ongoing work.
Some of the UIW students and Dr. Maria Felix-Ortiz, Psychology Professor, and Sr. Martha Ann Kirk, Religious Studies Professor, demonstrating in front of the Ursula Detention Center in McAllen, TX where hundreds of children who have fled violence in their countries are being detained. The students are spreading #wedeclarewecare
- 7:00 pm, SEC 2050-52. Learn more of and become a part of “Project Lifeline”
An effort to shed light on and help over 100,000 immigrant children who are being held in U.S. Detention Centers. Hear from Hope Frye, the immigration attorney who started the project, and UIW students who were part of a caravan of faith leaders and physicians to largest detention center in the US. Come meet these Peace Day Exhibitors and others in the Student Engagement Center
- Ettling Center for Civic Leadership Creating a better society through service. Learn of on-going service opportunities, Cardinal Sync (OrgSync), and opportunities in the Cardinal Community Leader program. Contact: 210-283-6423
- Ethical Trade: Learn of Perfect Earth Foods, a Social Enterprise food business that supports the hill tribe farming communities in Northern Thailand and sources all of its organic rice and organic chia from them . Learn of Catholic Relief Services on-going projects Pope Francis has said, “There is no worse material poverty … than the poverty which prevents people from earning their bread and deprives them of the dignity of work.”
- Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word bringing the saving and healing love of God through the promotion of human dignity. Learn of ministries in three countries. Join us in some way Be an Incarnate Word Missionary. Assist with Women’s Global Connection
- “Veterans Against War” an exhibit and opportunity to learn from people with experience. Contact: Jovanni Reyes
- Women’s Global Connection. Promote the learning and leadership capacity of women locally and globally
- Headwaters at Incarnate Word. Preserve, restore, and celebrate the rich natural, cultural, historical, spiritual, and educational values of the headwaters of the San Antonio River
- We are grateful to all of the presenter and to the organizers and promoters, especially Ettling Center for Civic Leadership and the Cardinal Community Leaders. All events are free and open to the public.
The University of the Incarnate Word provides reasonable accommodations with adequate notice. To request disability accommodation for an event, visit and click on the ADA/Section 504 link.