About the UIW Nursing Cardinal Clinic


The University of the Incarnate Word (UIW) Nursing Cardinal Clinic (NCC) provides preventative healthcare to low income families of the eastside of San Antonio and the surrounding area. Our focus is on positively impacting the future health of children and adults for the betterment of all. The Nursing Cardinal Clinic believes that every individual deserves to be healthy. As representatives of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, we continue their ministry of caring for the poor and underrepresented while educating compassionate and knowledgeable healthcare providers.


The UIW Nursing Cardinal Clinic's vision is to positively impact the health of children and adults on the Eastside of San Antonio and the surrounding area through preventative healthcare services that are low cost and accessible.


The UIW Nursing Cardinal Clinic was established in July 2015 and began seeing patients in October 2015. The NCC is a nurse-managed center that offers Texas Health Steps well child checkups through Texas Medicaid and Head Start physicals in collaboration with the San Antonio Independent School District (SAISD) and Family Services Association of San Antonio. The Center also provides vaccines through the Texas Vaccines for Children and Adult Safety Net Programs. The NCC began offering well women services to those age 18 – 44 years of age under the Healthy Texas Women program in 2019. Services for women age 45 – 64 years were funded through a grant by CHRISTUS Foundation . While this grant has ended these services are still provided through certain insurances and at low cost for the uninsured. The NCC’s focus is on preventative health for low-income adults and children residing mainly in the Eastside Promise Zone.