Ph.D. in Biochemistry, University of Houston
M.S. in Physiological Optics/Vision Science, University of Houston
M.S. in Microbiology, University of Texas at El Paso
2012- Present: Dean, School of Mathematics, Science and Engineering and Tenured Faculty– University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas
2007- 2012: Administration Projects, Research Scientist and Associate Professor – Texas A&M University System and Texas A&M Kingsville
2004 – 2007: President and Chief Executive Officer - Del Mar College
Garcia, C.A., Aitsebaomo, A.P., Smith, S.E., and Wetz. J.M. Luminance Stimulus Response and Naka-Rushton ParameterChanges in Rats Following Ozone Exposure. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 59:9, 5526. 2018.
Yang, H., Stinson, A.J. and Garcia, C.A. Immunology 2018 - Meeting of the American Association of Immunologists Austin, TX: May 2018. Adjuvant-Induced Rheumatoid Arthritis in Lewis Rats Alters Dopamine Utilization and Cytokine Concentration in Five Brain Regions.
Yang, H., Stinson, A.J. and Garcia, C.A. Neuroscience Section 121st Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science. Midland, TX: March 2018. Cytokine Concentration Changes in Selected Brain Regions of Adjuvant-Induced Rheumatoid Arthritis Lewis Rats.
Garcia, C.A., Aitsebaomo, A.P., and Wetz, J.M. American Academy of Optometry: October 2016. Anaheim, California. "Decreases in b-wave and Subnormal a-wave Amplitudes of the Scotopic Electroretinogram after Sub-chronic Exposure to Ozone”.
Garcia, C.A. Wetz, J.M., and Aitsebaomo, A.P. Scotopic Electroretinogram a- and b-wave Alterations in Adult Rats After an Acute Exposure to Ozone. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 58:8, 5340. 2017.
Wetz, J.M., Aitsebaomo, A.P. and Garcia, C.A. Neuroscience Section 120th Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science. University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton, TX: March 2017. “The impact of sub-chronic exposure to ozone on the electroretinogram: rodent scotopic vision alterations”.
Garcia, C.A., Aitsebaomo, A.P., and Wetz, J.M. American Academy of Optometry: November 2016. Anaheim, California. "Air Pollution and Vision: Characterizing Retinal Function and Dopamine Utilization in Ozone Exposed Rats”.
Wetz, J.M., Aitsebaomo, A.P. and Garcia, C.A. Neuroscience Section 119th Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science. Llano River Field Station Texas Tech University, Junction, TX: March 2016. “The impact of ozone air pollution on vision processing”.
Gutierrez, E.P. and Garcia, C.A. Neuroscience Section 118th Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science. San Antonio, TX: March 2015. “Hyperglycemic-induced circadian gene alterations in three brain regions in a rat model of human type 2 diabetes mellitus”.
Gutierrez, E.P., Garcia, C.A., and Ibarra J. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS): November 2014. San Antonio, Texas. “Hyperglycemic-induced gene expression changes in brain tissues in a rat model of type 2 diabetes”.
Rodriguez, W., Garcia, C.A., and Ibarra J. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS): November 2014. San Antonio, Texas. “Clock gene expression in peripheral tissues in a rat model of type 2 diabetes”.
Garcia, C.A, Bland, M.C., Ibarra, J., and Gonzalez, M. L. Experimental Biology. San Diego, CA: June 2014. “Quercitin ameliorates hyperglycemia-induced inflammation and apoptosis in the retina and lateral geniculate nucleus in a rat model of type 2 diabetes mellitus”.
Garcia, C.A, Bland, M.C., and Gonzalez, M. L. Neuroscience Section 117th Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science. Galveston, TX: March 2014. “Type 2 Diabetes-induced Inflammation and Apoptosis in Retina and Lateral Geniculate Nucleus”.
Gonzalez, M.L, Mahoney, S.E. and Garcia, C.A., Neuroscience Section 116th Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science. Kerrville, TX: March 2013. “The Role of Cytokines on the Inflammatory Status of the Amygdala, hippocampus and Hypothalamus following Quercetin Administration in a Diabetic Rat Model”.
Sethi, R, Manchanda, S, Perepu, R., Kumar, A., Garcia, C.A., Kennedy R. and Dostal, D. Differential expression of caveolin-1 and caveolin-3: potential marker for cardiac toxicity subsequent to chronic ozone inhalation. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 369:9-15 2012.
Yin, C, Ying, J, and Garcia, C.A. A novel method for the purification of low soluble recombinant C-Type lectin proteins. Bioch Biophys Res Comm. 425:636-41. 2012.
Hayden, J.R., Saenz, E.P., Stephens, R.M., and Garcia, C.A. Hyperglycemia Alters the Apoptotic Pathway via Heat Shock Protein, and Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein Alterations in the Mammalian Amygdala. Diabetes 61:1, a152, 2012.
Stephens, R.M. and Garcia, C.A. The Effects of Ozone on Core Circadian Clock Genes in the Light Adapted Rat Retina. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 53:14, 4330. 2012.
Perepu, R, Dostal, D, Garcia, C.A., Kennedy R. and Sethi, R. Cardiac dysfunction subsequent to chronic ozone exposure in rats. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 360:339-45 2012.
Sethi, R., Perepu, R., Garcia, C.A., and Dostal, D. Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions. American Heart Association. New Orleans, LA: July 2011. “Gender-Based Differences in Ozone-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction”.
Sethi, R., Perepu, R., Ramirez, M., Bandala, A., Manchanda, S., Garcia, C.A., and Dostal, D. Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions. American Heart Association. New Orleans, LA: July 2011. “Possible Mechanism and Potential Markers for Ozone-Induced Cardiac Toxicity”.
Sethi, R., Ramirez, M., Bandala, A., Manchanda, S., Garcia, C.A., and Dostal, D. Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions. American Heart Association. New Orleans, LA: July 2011. “Differential Changes in Caveolin Levels in Lung and Heart from Ozone-Exposed Adult Healthy Rats”.
Sethi, R., Perepu, Bandala, A., Ramirez, M., Manchanda, S., Garcia, C.A., and Dostal, D. Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions. American Heart Association. New Orleans, LA: July 2011. “Detrimental Effects of Chronic Activation of AKT in Hearts from Ozone-Exposed Healthy Adult Rats”.
Yilmaz, M., Garcia, C.A., Guillen, T., and Ramirez, R. ASEE Annual Conference: June 2011. Vancouver, B.C. Canada. "A K-12 Advanced Research Camp for Engineering and Science Disciplines”.
Garcia, C.A., Boyana, S.V.D., and Stephens, R. M. Hyperglycemia Alters the Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Cytokine Levels in the Amygdala of Diabetic Rats. Diabetes (Suppl) 60:1, a177, 2011.
Garcia, C.A., Barrientes, R., Ugarte, S., Ramirez, D., and Sethi, R. In Vivo Ozone Exposure Induces Oxidative Stress in the Rat Retina via Stimulation of a TNF-a Mediated Pathway. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.. 52:14, 4434. 2011.
Stephens, R.M., Rhandi, R., McIntyre, P.C., Sethi, R., and Garcia, C.A. Ozone Decreases Dopamine Levels and Disrupts the Circadian Clock in the Rat Retina. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 52:14, 918. 2011.
Sethi, R., Perepu, R., Kumar, A., Kashyap, V., Palakurthi, S., Sethi, V. and Garcia, C.A. Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions. American Heart Association. Rancho Mirage, CA: July 2010. “Novel Mechanism for Ozone Induced Enhanced Cardiotoxicity”.
Garcia, C.A., Sethi, R., and Perez, V. Diabetic Retinopathy: Approaches to a Global Epidemic. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Summer Eye Research Conference: July 2010. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. "Acute Ozone Exposure Decreases TNF- a levels in the Retinas of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats”.
Perepu, R, Garcia, C.A, Dostal, D and Sethi, R. Enhanced death signaling in ozone-exposed ischemia-reperfused hearts. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 336:55-64 2010.
Garcia, C.A., and Fox, D.A. Texas Academy of Science: March 2008. Corpus Christi, TX. “Functional Alterations of Retinal Na+,K+-ATPase catalytic Isozymes in Neonatal Rats Following Developmental Lead Exposure”.
Garcia, C.A., and Fox, D.A. Kinetic Analysis of Ouabain Binding to the 1 and 3 Isozymes of Rat Retinal Na+,K+-ATPase . Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 37: 3, s639 1996.
Garcia, C.A., and Fox, D.A. Lead Differentially Decreases Retinal and Renal Ca2+ - activated Mg2+ - Dependent (Ca2+, Mg2+) - ATPase Activity. The Toxicologist 15:1, 21 1995
Garcia, C.A., Medrano, C.J., Shulman, L., Ottlecz, A., and Fox, D.A. Kinetics of the a 1-Low and a 3-High Ouabain Affinity Isozymes of Rat Retinal Na+,K+-ATPase. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 35: 4, 2132 1994.
Garcia, C.A., Medrano, C.J., Shulman, and Fox, D.A. Kinetics of the Lead-Induced Inhibition of a 1 and a 3 Isozymes of Rat Retinal Na+,K+-ATPase. The Toxicologist 14: 292 1994.
Ottlecz, A., Garcia C.A., Eichberg, J., and Fox, D.A. Alterations in Retinal Na+,K+-ATPase in Diabetes: Streptozotocin-induced and Zucker Diabetic Fatty Rats. Current Eye Research. 12: 12, 1111-1121. 1993.
Ottlecz, A., Garcia, C.A., Eichberg, J. and Fox, D.A. Type I and Type II Diabetes Alter the Activity and Ouabain Sensitivity of Retinal Na+, K+ ATPase Isozymes. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 34: 4, 716 1993.
Garcia, C.A. and Loshin, D.A. Human Visual Acuity and the Role of Perceived Contrast with Blur of the Retinal Image by Cylindrical Lenses. Optometry and Vision Science 68:12s, 36 1991.
Medrano, C.J., Garcia, C.A. and Fox, D.A. Role of Calcium on Retinal Respiration in Darkness, Light and Retinal Degeneration. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 32: 4, 1135 1991.
Garcia, C.A. and Loshin, D.S. The Effect of Cylinder Power and Orientation on the Perception of Blur. Optometry and Vision Science 67: 10, 56 1990.
Garcia, C.A. and Loshin, D.S. Contrast Sensitivity Measurements Through Progressive Addition Lenses. American Journal of Optometry and Physiological Optics. 65: 10, 47 1988.
My cellular and molecular toxicology research laboratory group is interested in the mechanisms of neurodegeneration in the diabetic retina, peripheral nerves, and brain. A major aim of our research is to understand the role of cytokines in the early development of non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. We are investigating the processes that regulate the apoptotic cell death in diabetic rats and the alterations in cell signaling pathways that may lead to vision loss or encephalopathy. Recently we have initiated investigations of cytokine-mediated signal transduction changes in five functionally important brain regions, the amygdala, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, and hypothalamus of diabetic animals.
A second area of research is to shed light on the impact of ozone air pollution exposure on the retina, cardiovascular and nervous systems. The work includes changes to visual sensitivity demonstrated by changes in the electroretinogram in ozone-exposed mammals. We have documented cardiac physiological and biochemical abnormalities along with enhanced death signaling in ozone-exposed ischemic-reperfused hearts and continue to work on the mechanism of action that leads to cardiac dysfunction. An interrelated area of investigation is the impact of air pollution exposure on the molecular mechanisms of circadian clock action in retinal cells. Our work includes i) measuring changes in retinal dopamine and its metabolites due to ozone exposure using HPLC techniques and ii) using molecular biological procedures, to evaluate alterations in the expression of core circadian clock genes in the mammalian retina following ozone exposure.
A third area of interest is to plan and implement health information technology useful for public health research. More specifically, my focus is the establishment of a health information exchange (HIE) that connects eleven counties in South Texas. The aggregate data from the HIE will be used to measure the status of chronic diseases in South Texas particularly the investigation of diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, and asthmaCollege of Pharmacy
- Cellular Life Science
College of Optometry
- Ophthalmic Optics
- Ocular Pharmacology
- Retinal Anatomy and Physiology
- Human Pathophysiology
- Toxicology
- Biochemistry
- Survey of Biochemistry
- Biological Chemistry
- Biological Concepts
- General Biology I & II
- Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II
- General Microbiology
- Human Pathophysiology
- Medical Physiology II