
Schedule – Friday, April 13

12:00 – 12:50pm


Ballroom Foyer

1:00 – 1:15pm

Opening Remarks


Dr. Carlos Garcia, Dean

School of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering

University of the Incarnate Word

Room 2030

1:20 – 2:05pm

Daijin Ko (The University of Texas at San Antonio)


Relational Novelty Detection: Attribute-wise Learning Approach

Room 2030

2:10 – 2:55pm

Layla Guyot (Texas State University)


Promoting an Authentic Experience of Statistical Practices in Statistics Education

Room 2030

2:55 – 3:25pm

Coffee Break

Room 2040

3:25 – 4:10pm

Leif Ellingson (Texas Tech University)


Classification of Protein Binding Ligands Using Their Structural Information

Room 2030

4:15 – 5:15pm

Bazoumana Kone (University of Texas at San at San Antonio)


Prediction Intervals for Integrals of Some Types of Non-Gaussian Random Fields: A Semiparametric Bootstrap Approach


Room 2030

5:15 – 5:45pm

COTS Business Meeting

Poster Presentations Set-up

Room 2030


5:45 – 7:00pm

Poster Session & Social Hour


7:00 – 9:00pm

Dinner & Don Owen Award Ceremony


Schedule – Saturday, April 14

7:30 – 8:15am



8:30 – 9:15am

Keying Ye (University of Texas at San Antonio)


Similarity Scores for Mixed Types of Data with

Applications in Home Properties

Room 2030

9:20 – 9:50am

Sue Stankus (University of Texas at San Antonio)


Practical Statistics: Mitigating Data Quality Issues

Room 2030

9:55 – 10:40am

Cabral Balreira (Trinity University)


Using an Oracle to Improve the Quality of a Prediction

Room 2030

10:40 – 11:00am

Coffee Break

Room 2040

11:00 – 11:45am

Sunil Mathur (Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi)


A Goodness-of-fit Test Based on Empirical Distribution Function

Room 2030

11:50 – 12:35pm

Hon Keung Tony Ng (Southern Methodist University)


Gamma Degradation Model and Related Applications: From Light Intensity to Drug Dissolution

Room 2030

12:35 – 12:45pm

Closing Remarks

Room 2030