Peace and Justice Service Initiatives

We are committed to the UIW Mission

students paintingPeace and Justice Service Initiatives at the University of the Incarnate Word help our community. We work on projects such as Alternative Spring Break, Golden Harvest and Center for Refugees Project. We also have a Community Garden and support local food programs. Learn more about how you can help.

Students and faculty at UIW are actively involved in various outreach programs serving the underserved community of San Antonio. These service initiatives exemplify the university's commitment to its mission.
The University Mission and Ministry sponsors a student-run philanthropy, a unique and exciting tradition dedicated to raising awareness and funds to support families of patients at the Children's Hospital of San Antonio.

The Center for Refugees Project offers faculty and students the chance to connect with recent immigrants to San Antonio, experience their cultures, and support their integration into American society. This refugee resettlement program welcomes individuals from the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

To learn more about the Center for Refugees Project at UIW or the Global Refugee class, contact Dr. Lopita Nath at

For more information, visit the Center for Refugees Project website.


Founded in 2012 by UIW students, the Community Garden is a sustainable initiative located on a vacant plot behind the Gorman Building. The garden aims to educate students and faculty about environmental sustainability and wellness while providing a free source of fresh vegetables for the community.

Since its founding, the UIW Community Gardens have collaborated with various UIW courses, such as Dimensions of Wellness, Research in Water Quality, and Research in Soil Conservation. Students gain valuable hands-on experience related to their coursework while contributing to the garden's initiatives. All produce harvested from the gardens is distributed to volunteers, UIW students, faculty, and local charities.

The Community Gardens are currently undergoing a leadership transition as they transition to full funding by the Student Government Association and their student-managed funds. Volunteers can earn service hours by participating in work days, which are scheduled throughout the semester. Typically, around 30 people attend these work days.

For now, the Community Garden has winter crops in the ground such as broccoli, kale, cabbage, peppers, lettuce, Brussels sprouts, and (way too much) herbs that the UIW community is welcome to utilize.

For details on the UIW Community Garden and volunteer opportunities, contact by email at

Want to connect through social media? We're on Facebook!

UIW volunteers collaborate with Ella Austin Development Staff to maintain a youth garden, where children learn about growing and harvesting their own vegetables. Dr. Jeff Crane from UIW and Robert Langston from Ella Austin work alongside the youth, teaching them about gardening and nutrition. Program Coordinator Mary Ann Lovett assists with harvesting and preparing nutritious meals using the produce.

For more information, please visit the Ella Austin website.

UIW students participate in the Golden Harvest, an annual food drive organized by the Student Government Association. During the fall semester, students collect canned goods for various agencies that serve the hungry in San Antonio. Donations are distributed through the San Antonio Food Bank.

For more information, contact the SGA by email at


Students form teams with faculty to volunteer at various community organizations, including SAMM Ministries, The Food Bank, Travis Park Methodist Church (which has a program for the homeless), the Salvation Army, and Visitation House (which provides services for homeless and abused women and children).