Ecumenical and Interfaith

group at mass

The University of the Incarnate Word is a Catholic institution that welcomes to its community persons of diverse backgrounds, in the belief that their respectful interaction advances the discovery of truth, mutual understanding, self-realization, and the common good.

~ University Mission Statement.

Interfaith Prayer Room (SEC 3140)

interfaith roomInterfaith Prayer and Meditation Room is available in room 3140 of the Student Engagement Center. This is a space for students, faculty, and/or staff. This space allows for individuals and small groups to come together in a quiet space for prayer, mediation, and/or reflection throughout the day.

The Interfaith Prayer Room is to be used for prayer/meditation and religious observances and not as a lounge, study room, meeting room or for other purposes not involved with prayer/meditation. Please respect the requirement for a peaceful, quiet atmosphere.

For more information or to report an issue, please contact Rt. Rev. Trevor Alexander by email at

Ecumenical Council

The Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs has a mandate from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to provide guidance in ecumenical and interreligious affairs between religions to determine concrete ways of forming relationships with our brothers and sisters of various denominations and faiths.”

Mandate of the Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs

Interfaith Council

The Interfaith Council is designed to inspire and influence our communities to embrace interfaith diversity and engage in collaborative action as a remedy for injustice, inequality, and intolerance.