Liturgical Ministries
The University of the Incarnate Word offers a variety of ways to become involved in the worship life of the campus. Whether you are a seasoned minister or new to ministry, training is provided each semester. We invite you to participate in any of the following ministries:
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the priest at his direction in preparing various details of the liturgy. These may include carrying the cross in procession, assisting the presider with the Sacramentary, helping to prepare the altar table and vessels, lighting candles, preparing incense and other sacramentals.
Environment Team
Members of the environment team assist in preparing the chapel for the liturgical seasons - Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Ordinary Time.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Eucharistic Ministers assist in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful during the Eucharistic celebrations.
Hospitality ministers welcome people as they arrive, hand out hymnals, take up the collection, and distribute the bulletin.
Lector (Reader)
Lectors proclaim Sacred Scripture - the Word of God - to the assembly. They may also assist in reading the Universal Prayer (Prayers of the Faithful) of the community.
Music Minister
The music ministry contributes to the worship life of the campus by offering a variety of musical styles - contemporary to traditional, vocal and instrumental - which prayerfully serve and enhance the sung prayer of our liturgies, both Catholic and ecumenical. Our choirs include students, faculty, staff, and members of the local community. Each choir rehearses weekly during the academic year in preparation for Sunday Masses and other liturgical services. Both choirs welcome instrumentalists. Those who serve in our cantor ministry participate regularly in the prayer life of the campus and are typically members of one of our choirs. Additional formation is provided for those interested in this ministry.
IJWTH (I Just Want to Help) Team
Unsure where you'd like to get involved? Join our IJWTH (I Just Want to Help) Team. We'll be in contact when we need specific help. Just respond to our communication, and we'll fill you in on all the details. Thanks in advance for your willingness to share your time and talents!
St. Isidore Virtual Ministry
We look to St. Isidore of Seville, patron saint of the internet to guide us as we continue to serve our UIW community through virtual means when possible and appropriate. Our St. Isidore Virtual Ministry’s mission, using audio and visual technology, is to spiritually and pastorally support and lift up our UIW family near and far. Technology can be a gift in offering our loved ones an opportunity to join our university family on occasion. It can also lessen the distance which separates our many UIW campuses (including those abroad). And, it can keep us connected to our campus faith community when we must be separated due to illness. Below are short descriptions of some of the various opportunities to live out this unique ministry:
Livestream Minister
Livestream ministers (our “A/V angels”) are responsible for working our streaming equipment and assisting in keeping our campus community connected when we must be apart. They also assist in keeping our virtual services Livestreaming is available for our Sunday 11 a.m. Mass and other special services (as noted in our worship schedule).
St. Isidore Liturgical Minister
St. Isidore Liturgical Ministers lead prayer virtually by ministering as prayer leaders or readers.
Ps 98 Music Ministry
The Ps. 98 Music Ministry was an outgrowth of the COVID-19 pandemic when in-person worship and choir rehearsals were not possible. We learned we could still “Sing a new song” in a virtual space. This music ministry facilitates online sung and instrumental prayer when necessary.
For more information or to sign up, please contact:
Lena Gokelman, Director of Music Ministries and Coordinator of Liturgy
Carmen Aguilera, Liturgy and Music Assistant