Celebrating Valentine's Day with Cardinal Couples

UIW Love Stories

UIW is a home away from home for thousands of alumni and students, but for many, it’s also the place they find their life partners. This Valentine’s Day, we’re featuring a small collection of our UIW Lovebirds and their favorite memories together at the Nest.

Cardinal Couples

Andrew and Mariana posing at our Lady's Chapel

Andrew & Mariana

"The chapel is actually a very special place for Andrew and I, we took our very first picture together there in 2012 before we even met each other during breathe, it’s really amazing to be back for a couples mass now married with kids."

Romeo and Kymber pose in our Lady's Chapel

Romeo & Kymber

"Our favorite memory at UIW has to be going to our favorite hidden spot on campus, The Blue Hole. After our classes, we loved to walk down to The Blue Hole together and talk for hours, learning beautiful things about one another. After graduation, we became engaged, wed, and have been married for almost two years now."

Torres Family Pose at Event

Torres Family

"My husband and I met on our first day of our second semester at UIW and it was literally love at first sight for the both of us. We spent the next 3 and a half years joined inseparable and now 8 years later we are married and have a 4 year old daughter together. UIW brought us together and was the beginning l of the happiest years of our lives! We're now happily married for almost 5 years and have a beautiful preschool age daughter and it all began at UIW!"

Ryan, Amanda and family pose in our Lady's Chapel.

Ryan & Amanda

"Our favorite memory is the first time we met. It happened when I visited the Comm Arts building for the first time, and she was in the middle of her radio show. I thought she was cute and was impressed by her music selection. She gave me a tour and later that semester we ended up working together at the KUIW radio station. Our lives were forever changed by that chance encounter and our love for music."

Adrian and Yelica pose at our Lady's Chapel

Adrian & Yelica

"Our fondest memories at UIW were studying together at the library in the evenings and enjoying a coffee from the Starbucks outside the library. Closing out the night, Adrian would walk me to my dorm to ensure I made it back safely."

Steve and Adriana pose for a picture on vacation

Steve & Adriana

"Adriana and Steven met through mutual friends in Agnese Sosa in 2011. But it wasn’t until they shared Accounting I that they got to know each other even better. Fast forward 11 years later and they’ve exchanged vows, visited 10 countries, saw each other get their Masters and continue to experience life together. Thanks for the love, UIW!"

Miguel, Elsa and family at our Lady's Chapel

Miguel & Elsa

"Being both UIW graduates we share lots of memories during our 4 years at the university, but one that stands out the most was a trip we did to Cuernavaca, Mexico as part of the International Business class who was taught by one of the best professors Dr. Pat Burr."

Bill and Lena pose at our Lady's Chapel

Bill & Lena

"Here’s a favorite memory from when Lena and I were students (and dating): walking around the campus in the evening, sitting on a bench in front of the Admin building (when there were more trees than parking lots!) and petting our favorite campus cat, Cinnamon."

Jared and Marissa pose together

Jared & Marissa

"We met on the swim & dive team our freshman year in 2017 and fell for each other immediately. We started dating a few weeks into freshman year and have been together ever since"