The outpouring of the Holy Spirit makes us witnesses of hope

The Holy Spirit, we are promised, will empower us to be witnesses to Christ’s presence among us and to His message: the forgiveness of sins.

At its core, “the forgiveness of sins” means that the relationship between us and God has been restored or, should we say, can be restored, because, through the power of Holy Spirit, we in some way complete the redemptive act of Christ.

The same can be said of other relationships -- between the individual and his/her true self, between the individual and the family, the circle of co-workers and those in our daily life, and local and world community.

The challenge to bring about this transformation can appear overwhelming. But the outpouring of the Holy Spirit makes it possible – and hopeful.

Indeed, we are told the apostles and disciples left their hiding place empowered, ready to be witnesses. Besides proclaiming the Good News, they cured the sick, explaining that it wan’t they who effected the cure, but the power of the Spirit.

To be sure, at times restoring strained and shattered relationships with our God, with our family and friends, with our co-workers, and with the world around us is not an easy task. Life has a way of bruising and wounding – and at times breaking – all of us.

But there is healing; there is hope.

And we are called to be witnesses to that hope. The Incarnation and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit make it possible to find some meaning in the unbearable and even to turn things around.

Indeed, the Kingdom of God – the society based on God’s love – is here already, waiting for our participation to make it real for everyone.