"That they all may be one"

"The Week of Prayer Christian Unity called us to proclaim the mighty acts of God (1 Peter 2:9), emphasizing the relationship between baptism and the announcing of – and living out – the good news.

Through Baptism we join Christ in His death and resurrection and emerge as new persons. The wonderfulness of our new life compels us share what has happened to us with others by praising God in prayer and welcoming and serving others – giving witness of His dwelling among us.

This is the good news: that all can participate in some way in the life of God.

In living out this promise, we respond to Jesus’s hope and prayer “that all may be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me” (Jn 17:21).

When we love one another as Jesus loves us, we find mutual love and joy in our relationships.

When we fail to comply with this new commandment, we experience suffering, abandonment, loneliness, division, discrimination, and the pain of isolation.

Being one is Christ helps us to overcome our prejudices, suspicions, mistrust, selfishness, division and our petty jealousies and invites us to see signs of others in need, hear the howls of their pain or cries of despair.

When the word of God resides in our hearts, we are called into communion with others and we are drawn us into unity with them.

The Jubilee Year of Mercy calls us to open our hearts, eyes and minds to the truth that we are all one in God, that we are commissioned to go forth and build God’s kingdom in our midst.

And we can this great challenge in the simplest way, by taking time to be with others and attend to their needs.