Flash Mob Mission

Service opportunity!

We have been contacted by H.I.S. BridgeBuilders with an immediate need.  They are building a new Ministry House for after school programs, food and clothing distribution, and medical screening.  This is an outreach project for a low income Eastside neighborhood, and so far the Ministry House has been constructed by faith and volunteer sweat.  Let's add some Cardinal sweat to the project.  They are ready to paint the building inside and out, so let's give them a hand!  No experience necessary.

students painting

When:  8:30 AM - 1:00 PM Saturday, May 23rd
Where:  339 Gabriel, San Antonio, 78202
What:  Painting (mostly inside, so come even if it rains) until noon, then lunch and reflection.  Dress for messy and sweaty.
Why:  This Ministry House will reach out to many in need of an academic, spiritual, and material "boost", for many years to come.  Your work will surely assist many future Cardinals.

No need to sign up, just show up!  A great time guaranteed or your money back.

If you have questions, contact Dr. McCarron by email at mccarron@uiwtx.edu or text him at (361) 658-7457.

To learn more about H.I.S. BridgeBuilders, visit the H.I.S. BridgeBuilders website.